Wednesday, July 18, 2012

GAME Plan Progress

As of this week, my progress feels slow because my students were not available to meet. Although, I have personally been working on new things I will use with my group of students and their parents in the upcoming school year. I have created documents detailing out to our parents the information regarding the technology which I normally use within our daily classroom work. For example, it includes directions to access our class website, our class blog, as well as using Gizmos (our science technology tool). I believe that this will help them feel more prepared to be involved with what the students are working on. 

I have also started researching more options for teacher and parental involvement within district wide technology opportunities. I hope that through this I will inspire other teachers to increase the amount of technology they use in their classrooms. I am beginning to find the resources I need although I am not yet where I would like to be with resources. I hope that in the next week I will find the national and district wide blogs and groups I will become a part of. 

I have not encountered any new questions as of yet although I would like to continue working on building the plan so that my goals and actions will be the most beneficial to the students. 


  1. Hi Nicole,

    It is always a pleasure, to have parents participate in using technology to communicate with the school and I am sure your plan will be fruitful in seeing to it that parents are actively involved in their children’s education. Using the class blog is a great idea.

    I remember when we started using the blog; my first post was the importance of parental participation in their children’s education. I had quite a number of responses from parents airing their views about the topic. While majority of them supported the idea and gave suggestions as to how parents can participate; a few of them wondered why they need to bother when the school is there. According to them, their responsibility is to take care of the child at home and the teacher’s is to bother about education. It was quite an experience because it helped to sensitize parents about why they are needed to collaborate with the school for their children’s education success.

    I wish you the best in your pursuit.


  2. Nicole,

    I really like your idea of creating a technology cheat sheet for parents. Providing parents with directions on how to access the tools their students will be using in class will help involve parents in your classroom while also keeping them informed. When it comes to using technology in the classroom I think the better informed parents are the more comfortable they are with having their students use the technology tools. I would like to do this in my own classroom this coming school year as well. It might also be helpful to hold an information night for parents in which they can ask questions about the technology tools and see examples of how the technology will be used in the classroom.

